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About the Project

Sent at 04:40
  • Diagnosis

    Recent years have seen the emergence of two particular challenges to scientific knowledge and employment by citizens. In both instances, communication design may be underperforming in its potential for contribution

  • Hypothesis and Relevance

    The present project posits that communication design may be an efficient tool in both filtering unreliable knowledge and contributing to a more empathetic dialogue between scientific expertise and citizen concerns.

  • Objectives

    To confirm or refute the above hypothesis and associated premises; To mediate spaces for reciprocal recognition between scientists and citizens; To provide tangible contributions to a multidisciplinary approach to scientific communication in health information and associated policies;

  • Main Outcomes

    Scientific dissemination throughout the project; Good practice recommendations in the communication of public policies; Archives of content and data gathered throughout the project…

Collected at 04:40

Getting depressed during Lockdown 🥵

Memes Workshop

When you're in Quarantine, but you're fine and you even like being at home. 🤔

Memes Workhops