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Sent at 04:00

The present project posits that communication design may be an efficient tool in both filtering unreliable knowledge and contributing to a more empathetic dialogue between scientific expertise and citizen concerns. The premises of this hypothesis can be translated as follows:

  1. Scientific complexity is not always readily translatable to those outside the fields of study;

  2. A correlation between scientific diagnosis and public policy is equally complex and not always clear to citizens;

  3. Statistical representation may benefit from more intelligible and accessible interfaces: graphic, figurative, even documentary;

  4. An exhaustion over the pandemic may be worsened by overused media communication strategies;

  5. An excessive reliance in digital technology and data overflow may have been falling short of its tangible applicability;

  6. Citizens may tend to bypass statistical and evidence-based reliability if it happens to be contrary to their own narrative, experience, or preceding beliefs;

  7. A behavioural regulation and corresponding pedagogy in crisis scenarios may need to consider subjective components and levels of literacy more than it has so far; 

  8. A closer scrutiny of information fluxes in social media, as well as online field work towards more dynamic communication channels, may be essential to the success of scientific and policy-based communication strategies.

As far as relevance, we further posit that historical patterns and the heritage of the present pandemic may help in future communication and regulation of health-related crises and further scenarios of public impact, namely by using communication design as an interface towards engagement and reciprocity. 

Seen at 04:00

Getting depressed during Lockdown 🥵

Memes Workshop

When you're in Quarantine, but you're fine and you even like being at home. 🤔

Memes Workhops